Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Where Do You Like Staying In?

Imagine you are talking to a relative, a friend or a colleague. Maybe you are talking about travel/ holidays and the places you have stayed in. At some point, the other person says to you something like: "where do you like staying in?"

In Spanish, the other person could choose to be less formal and say:
¿Dónde te gusta alojarte?

Alternatively, he/ she could choose to be more formal and say:
¿Dónde le gusta (a usted) alojarse?

The question is an invitation for you to talk about your favourite type of hostelry establishment. When talking about where you like to stay, you DO NOT need to be concerned about the level of formality in the other person's question. Your main concern should be about communicating where you like staying. Perhaps what you want to say is that you:
  • Like a certain type of establisment;
  • Dislike a certain type of establisment;
  • Like a specific size of hotel;
  • Dislike a specific size of hotel;
  • Like as establishment with certain features;
  • Dislike an establishment with certain features;
  • Like an establishment in specific locations;
  • Dislike an establishment in specific locations;

Here are some examples of how you could reply:
  • Me gusta alojarme en hoteles y apartamentos (I like staying in hotels and apartments);
  • No me gusta alojarme en algunos hoteles o apartementos (I don't like staying in some hotels or apartments);
  • Me gusta alojarme en hoteles pequeños y acogedores (I like staying in small and warm/ friendly hotels);
  • No me gusta alojarme en hoteles muy grandes (I don't like staying in large hotels);
  • Me gusta alojarme en hoteles con buenos restaurantes (I like staying in hotels with good restaurants);
  • No me gusta alojarme en hoteles sin restaurante (I don't like staying in hotels witout a restaurant);
  • Me gusta alojarme en hoteles tranquilos y con buenas vistas (I like staying in quiet hotels with good views);
  • No me gusta alojarme en hoteles en lugares ruidosos (I don't like staying in hotels in noisy locations);

Now you should practice answering the question:
¿Dónde te gusta alojarte?

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Margaret M said...

Me gusta alojarme en cualquier hotel.

Fiona said...

me prefiero alojarme en hoteles rurales en pueblos desconcocidos

como este hotel