Today's WOTD is: "nevera" = fridge/ icebox
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Spanish, “nevera”
is a feminine noun of Latin origin, which means fridge/
In Spanish, the term “nevera”
is often used also to refer to a cool
commonly used expressions with the word “nevera”are:
- Cajón de la nevera (salad crisper/ salad drawer);
- Desenchufar la nevera (to unplug the fridge/ icebox from a power source);
- Enchufar la nevera (to plug in the fridge/ icebox to a power source);
- Estante de la nevera ( fridge/ icebox shelf);
- Meter en la nevera (to put/ place in the fridge/ icebox);
- Nevera congelador (fridge/ icebox/ freezer);
- Nevera de cajón (drawer fridge/ icebox);
- Nevera de vinos (wine fridge/ icebox/ cooler);
- Nevera industrial (industrial/ commercial fridge/ icebox);
- Mini nevera (mini fridge/ icebox);
- Nevera para coche (car fridge/ icebox);
- Nevera para vinos (wine fridge/ icebox/ cooler);
- Nevera portátil (portable fridge/ icebox);
- Puerta de la nevera (fridge/ icebox door);
- Sacar de la nevera (to take out of the fridge/ icebox);
examples of the use of the word "nevera"
- Ese cajón de la nevera está lleno de verdura (that fridge/ icebox drawer is full of greens);
- Tenemos que desenchufar la nevera, ¿no? (we have to unplug the fridge/ icebox, don't we?);
- Tenemos que enchufar la nevera, ¿no? (we have to plug in the fridge/ icebox, don't we?);
- Esa leche deberías meterla en la nevera, ¿no? (you should put that milk in the fridge/ icebox, shouldn't you?);
- Esa nevera congelador está muy bien de precio (that fridge freezer is very good value);
- Las neveras de cajón ocupan poco espacio (drawer fridges save space);
- El restaurante dispone de nevera de vinos (the restaurant has a wine fridge/ icebox/ cooler);
- Se vende nevera industrial de segunda mano (second hand commercial fridge/ icebox for sale);
- Esa mini nevera está muy bien de precio (that mini fridge/ icebox is keenly priced);
- Esa nevera para coche está muy bien de precio (that mini fridge/ icebox is keenly priced);
- El restaurante dispone de nevera para vinos (the restaurant has a wine fridge/ icebox/ cooler);
- Esa nevera portátil está muy bien de precio (that portable fridge/ icebox is keenly priced);
- No se debería dejar la puerta de la nevera abierta (the fridge/ icebox door should not be left open);
- Ese queso deberías sacarlo de la nevera un par de horas antes de consumirlo (you should take that cheese out of the fridge a couple of hours before eating it);
'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “nevera”
in the link to hear the word pronounced.
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