Today's WOTD is: "amistad" = friendship
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Spanish, “amistad”
is a feminine noun of Latin origin, which means friendship.
related to “amistad”
are “amigo”/
which mean friend
and “amistoso”/
which mean friendly.
commonly used expressions with the word “amistad”
and related words are:
- Acuerdo amistoso (a friendly agreement);
- Amigo de la casa (a much closer than normal business relationship)*;
- Amigo de la infancia (a childhood friend)*;
- Amigo de la familia (a family friend)*;
- Amigo de lo ajeno (light fingered/ a thief)*;
- Amigo de un amigo (friend of a friend)*;
- Amigo del alma (soulmate)*;
- Amigo en común (a mutual friend)*;
- Amigo imaginario (imaginary friend)*;
- Amigo íntimo (a close friend)*;
- Amigo mío (my friend)*;
- Amigo por correspondencia (pen pal)*;
- Amistad incondicional (unconditional friendship);
- Anudar la amistad (to create a bond of friendship);
- Ahorrar amistad (to save friendship);
- Buen amigo (good friend)*;
- Cara de pocos amigos (angry look);
- Cultivar la amistad (to cultivate a friendship);
- Falsos amigos (false friends)**;
- Lazos de amistad (bonds of friendship);
- Mal amigo (bad friend)*;
- Mi amigo (my friend)*;
- Mi mejor amigo (my best friend)*;
- Partido amistoso (a friendly/ non-competitive match/ game);
- Querido amigo (dear friend)*;
- Recuperar la amistad (to rekindle an old friendship);
- Romper las amistades (to fight/ to row/ to fall out);
- Trabar una amistad (to establish bonds of friendship);
- Un amigo en quien confiar (a friend who can be trusted)*;
- Vínculo de amistad (bond of friendship);
- Vínculos de amistad (bonds of friendship);
Strictly speaking, each one of these expressions is applicable to a
male friend only. However, all these expressions can be made
applicable to a female friend by changing the word “amigo”
to “amiga” and changing the corresponding describing word/
adjective to its feminine form. For example, “un buen amigo”
(a good friend- male) → “una buena amiga” (a good
friend- female).
The expression is often used to refer to pairs of words which look
similar/ would appear to have the same meaning in two languages, but
in fact have a different meaning in each language. For example,
consider the Spanish word “afluente” and the English word
“affluent”. These two words look similar and would appear
to have similar meanings. However, the English meaning of “afluente”
is a tributary river. Whereas the Spanish meaning of the
English word “affluent” is “rico” (rich
examples of the use of the word "amistad"
and related words are:
- Hemos llegado a un acuerdo amitoso con la empresa (we have reached a friendly agreement with our employer);
- En ese bar Pedro es amigo de la casa (in that bar Pedro is more than just a customer);
- Somos amigos de la infancia (we are childhood friends);
- Antonio es un amigo de la familia (Antonio is a family friend);
- Mario es muy amigo de lo ajeno (Mario is a bit light fingered);
- Antonio es amigo de un amigo (Antonio is a friend of a friend);
- Sois mis amigos del alma (you- plural are my soulmates);
- Tenemos a Antonio como amigo en común (we have a friend of Antonio in common);
- Pedro es un amigo imaginario, ¿no? (Pedro is an imaginary friend, isn't he?);
- Antonio es un amigo íntimo (Antonio is a very close friend);
- Os presento a María, una amiga mía (I give you Maria, a friend of mine);
- Tengo un amigo por correspondencia en Colombia (I have a pen pal in Colombia);
- Entre nosotros siempre ha existido una amistad incondicional (amongst us there has always been an unconditional friendship);
- La convivencia social ayuda a anudar la amistad (social harmony helps build bonds of friendship);
- Antonio es un buen amigo (Antonio is a good friend);
- No sé por qué estás con esa cara de pocos amigos (I don't know the reason for that angry look of yours);
- Cultivemos la amistad entre las naciones (let us cultivate the friendship among the nations);
- Hay que tener cuidado con los falsos amigos (you must be careful with false friends);
- La convivencia social ayuda a establecer lazos de amistad (social harmony helps build bonds of friendship);
- Antonio es un mal amigo (Antonio is a bad friend);
- Os presento a mi amiga, María (I give you my friend, Maria);
- Pedro es mi mejor amigo (Pedro is my best friend);
- Inglaterra y Francia juegan un partido amistoso el mes que viene (next month, England and France will play a friendly game);
- Mi querido amigo (my dear friend);
- Intentaremos recuperar la amistad que existió entre nosotros (we'll try to rekindle the friendship which we once had);
- Por culpa de la política rompimos las amistades (political affiliation/ sympathies caused us to argue/ fall out);
- La convivencia cotidiana nos ha ayudado a trabar una amistad (daily coexistence has helped us establish bonds of friendship);
- Pedro es un amigo en quien confiar (Pedro is a friend who can be trusted);
- La convivencia social ayuda a establecer un vínculo de amistad (social harmony helps build a bond of friendship);
- La convivencia social ayuda a establecer vínculos de amistad (social harmony helps build bonds of friendship);
'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “amistad”
in the link to hear the word pronounced.
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