Tuesday, 17 July 2012

What Are You Going To Buy In The Butcher's?


This post deals with shopping in general, and with things you may want to buy in a butcher's in particular.


Imagine you are talking to a relative, a friend or colleague. You are about to go shopping. and are making a shopping list. The other person says to you: "what are you going to buy in the butcher's?"

In Spanish, the other person could choose to be less formal and say:
¿Qué vas a comprar en la carnicería?

Alternatively, he/ she could choose to be more formal and say:
¿Qué va a comprar (usted) en la carnicería?


Answering is quite straightforward. Naming something you can buy in a butcher's should be sufficient. You may also want to indicate the quantity/ amount of what you intend buying.

Here are some examples of what you could buy in a butchers:
  • Medio kilo de filetes de ternera (a half a kilo of beef steak);
  • Unos  filetes de solomillo (some tenderloin steaks);
  • Un kilo de chuletas de ternera (a kilo of beef/ veal chops);
  • Unas chuletas de cerdo (some  pork chops);
  • Unas chuletas de cordero (some lamb chops/ lamb cutlets);
  • Medio kilo de carne picada (a half a kilo of minced meat);
  • Medio kilo de carne molida ( half a kilo of minced meat);
  • Pechugas de pollo (some chicken breasts);
  • Muslos de pollo (some chicken thighs);
  • Un pollo (a chicken);

Now you should practice answering the question:
¿Qué vas a comprar en la carnicería?

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