Monday 7 April 2014

Is The Hotel On The Left?


Imagine you are talking to a relative, a friend, a work colleague or even a stranger. You are giving him/ her directions to a hotel. The other person says: "is the hotel on the left?"

In Spanish, the other person could say:
¿El hotel está a la izquierda?


A straightforward yes/ no answer could be sufficient. But if you wanted to be a bit more informative you could:

  • Agree that the hotel is on the left, and say:
    • Sí, está a la izquierda (yes, it is on the left);

  • Make a correction and say that the hotel is on the right, and say
    • No, está a la derecha (no, it is on the right);

Now you should practise answering the question:
¿El hotel está a la izquierda?

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