Monday 25 February 2013


Today's WOTD is: "vaso" = glass

In Spanish, “vaso” is a masculine noun of Latin origin, the main meaning of which is glass/ drinking glass.

The Spanish word “vaso” may also be used to mean:
  • An amount of liquid (glass/ glassful);
  • A vase;
  • A vessel
Some commonly used expressions with the word “vaso” are:
  • Ahogarse en un vaso de agua (to flap around at the smallest problem/ to give up at the first hurdle/ to be unable to cope with the least problem);
  • Gafas de culo de vaso (pebble glasses/ coke bottle glasses/ nerd glasses);
  • Principio de los vasos comunicantes (principle of communicating vessels);
  • Un vaso de agua (a glass of water);
  • Un vaso de cartón (a paper cup);
  • Un vaso de cristal (a crystal glass/ glass);
  • Un vaso de jugo de naranja* (a glass of orange juice);
  • Un vaso de plástico (a plastic cup);
  • Un vaso de vidrio (a glass);
  • Un vaso desechable (a disposable glass);
  • Un vaso de zumo de naranja* (glass of orange juice);
  • Vaso medio lleno (glass half full);
  • Vaso medio vacío (glass half empty);
  • Vasos comunicantes (communicating vessels);
  • Vasos sanguíneos (blood vessels);

*NB Applies to fruit juices by replacing “naranja” with the name of another fruit, for example “un vaso de zumo de piña” = a glass of pineapple juice.

Some examples of the use of the word "vaso" or related words are:
  • No se lo encargues a Pedro que se ahoga en un vaso de agua (don't ask Pedro to do it, he is unable to cope with the least problem);
  • ¿De verdad que te gustan esas gafas de culo de vaso? (do you really like those nerd glasses?);
  • Tengo que revisar el tema del principio de los vasos comunicantes (the principle of communicating vessels is my topic for revision);
  • ¿Me das un vaso de agua, por favor? (could I have a glass of water, please?);
  • La bebida se sirvió en vasos de cartón (the drinks were served in paper cups);
  • La bebida se sirvió en vasos de cristal (the drinks were served in crystal glasses/ proper glasses);
  • ¿Me das un vaso de jugo de naranja, por favor? (could I have a glass of orange juice, please?);
  • La bebida se sirvió en vasos de plástico (the drinks were served in plastic cups);
  • La bebida se sirvió en vasos de vidrio (the drinks were served in proper glasses);
  • La bebida se sirvió en vasos de desechables (the drinks were served in disposable cups);
  • ¿Me das un vaso de zumo de naranja, por favor? (could I have a glass of orange juice, please?);
  • Unos ven el vaso medio lleno y otros ven el vaso medio vacío (some people see the glass half full, others see it half empty);
  • ¿El alcohol dilata o contrae los vasos sanguíneos? (does alcohol contract or dilate blood vessels?); loves the word "vaso" in the YouTube clip: los fabulosos con celia cruz - vasos vacios

For more on the word "vaso", visit: Vaso*

*NB 'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “vaso” in the link to hear the word pronounced.

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