WOTD is: "carta" = letter
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Spanish, “carta”
is a feminine noun of Latin origin, which means letter.
The noun “carta”
is also often used to refer to:
- The menu in a restaurant.
- Each one of the cards in a pack/ deck of playing cards.
- A marine navigation chart/ map
commonly used expressions with the word “carta” are:
- A la carta (a la carte);
- Carta abierta (open letter);
- Carta administrativa (formal statement letter);
- Carta a los Reyes Magos (letter to the three Wise Men*);
- Carta astral (astrological chart);
- Carta blanca (carte blanche/ complete freedom);
- Carta circular (circular letter);
- Carta comercial (business letter);
- Carta convite (invitation letter- to some celebration);
- Carta de aceptación (acceptance letter);
- Carta de agradecimiento (thank you letter);
- Carta de ajuste (TV test card);
- Carta de amor (love letter);
- Carta de apoyo (support letter);
- Carta de autorización (authorisation letter);
- Carta de aviso (notification letter);
- Carta de baja voluntaria (resigning letter);
- Carta de ciudadanía (citizenship charter);
- Carta de ciudadanía (certificate of citizenship);
- Carta de condolencia (letter of condolence);
- Carta de despedida (farewell letter);
- Carta de despido (dismissal letter);
- Carta de envío (confirmation of dispatch of goods letter);
- Carta de excusa (letter of apologies);
- Carta de intención (letter of intent);
- Carta de invitación (invitation letter- to support visa application/ immigration);
- Carta de marear (nautical chart);
- Carta de pago (payment record/ receipt);
- Carta de porte (waybill);
- Carta de postulación (cover letter);
- Carta de presentación (letter of introduction/ cover letter);
- Carta de préstamo (loan document/ “IOU”);
- Carta de referencia (reference letter);
- Carta de reclamo (complaint letter);
- Carta de recomendación (reference letter);
- Carta de renuncia (letter turning down a job offer);
- Carta de renuncia (letter giving notice of leaving employment);
- Carta de responsabilidad (letter of acceptance of responsibilities);
- Carta de retiro (letter giving notice of leaving employment);
- Carta de retiro de servicio (letter giving notice cancelling a service);
- Carta de solicitud (application letter/ request letter);
- Carta de vecindad (certificate of abode);
- Carta de vinos (wine menu);
- Carta denuncia (incident reporting letter);
- Carta formal (formal letter);
- Carta informal (informal letter);
- Carta magna (written constitution);
- Carta memorando (memorandum letter);
- Carta memorandum (memorandum letter);
- Carta oficial (official letter- formal letter to a public institution);
- Carta ordinaria (ordinary/ non-urgent letter);
- Carta pastoral (pastoral letter);
- Carta poder (authorisation letter);
- Carta urgente (urgent letter);
- Cartas credenciales (diplomatic credentials/ letter of credence);
- Conocer las cartas a alguien (to know what someone's is up to);
- Dirigir una carta a alguien (to address a letter to someone);
- Echar las cartas (fortune telling- with cards);
- Enseñar las cartas (to lay the cards on the table);
- Escribir una carta (to write a letter);
- Poner las cartas boca arriba (to lay the cards on the table);
- Irse de una buena carta (discard the wrong card/ to make a wrong choice);
- Jugar a cartas vistas (to avoid risks/ to try to be in control/ to leave nothing to chance);
- Jugarse todo a una carta (to face an all or nothing effort/ decision);
- Jugárselo todo a una carta (to face an all or nothing effort/ decision);
- No saber a que carta quedarse (to be undecided);
- Tomar cartas en el asunto (to do something about it);
Similar to letter sent to Santa.
examples of the use of the word "carta"
or related words are:
- Yo prefiero comer a la carta (I would rather eat 'a la carte');
- Enviamos una carta abierta a la prensa (we sent an open letter to the press);
- Tenemos carta blanca y podemos hacer lo que queramos (we have complete freedom and can do as we wish);
- Cuidado, que te conocen las cartas (be careful, they know what you are up to);
- Dirigiste la carta al director de recursos humanos, ¿verdad? (you addressed the letter to the HR Director, didn't you?);
- ¿Trae mala suerte echar las cartas sin pagar? (is it unlucky to have your fortune told for free?);
- Si no tienes nada que ocultar, enseña las cartas (if you have nothing to hide, lay your cards on the table);
- Si no tienes nada que ocultar, pon las cartas boca arriba (if you have nothing to hide, lay your cards on the table);
- Creo que te has ido de una buena carta y has perdido una gran oportunidad (I think you made the wrong choice and missed out on a great opportunity);
- Tratándose de la familia prefiero jugar a cartas vistas (in matters relating to my family I would rather not take risks);
- Creo que Pedro sabe que de esta vez se lo está jugando todo a una carta (I think Pedro knows that this time, it is all or nothing);
- La verdad es que no sabemos a que carta quedarnos (the truth of the matter is that we don't know what to do);
- Si siguen sin pagarnos, voy a tener que tomar cartas en el asunto (if they persist in not paying, I will have to do something about it);
'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “carta”
in the link to hear the word pronounced.
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