post is about volumes in
general, and fractions of a litre in
Imagine you are at
your local bodega or supermarket where you are trying to buy some wine.
exchanging the customary greetings, vine merchant says to you:
how much wine do you want?
Spanish, the merchant could choose to be less formal and say:
vino quieres?
Spanish, the merchant could choose to be more formal and say:
vino quiere?
the question should be quite straightforward. You may need to be
careful with the units of volume to make sure that you get the correct amount
of wine. The notes below* should help you male sure of that
that in mind, you could say:
- Quería una botella de vino (I want a bottle of wine)
- Quería un cuarto de litro de vino (I want a quarter of a litre of wine)
- Quería medio de litro de vino (I want half a litre of wine)
- Quería tres cuartos de litro de vino (I want three quarters of a litre of wine)
- Quería un litro de vino (I want a litre of wine)
- Quería un litro y medio de vino (I want one and a half litres of wine)
- Quería dos litros de vino (I want two litres of wine)
you should practise answering the question:
vino quieres?
some commonly used volumes in Spanish below
Some expressions
of volumes commonly used when shopping in Spanish are shown below:
- MililitrosCentilitrosLitros
cien mililitros
diez centilitros100ml10cl
ciento cincuenta mililitros
quince centilitros150ml15cl
doscientos mililitros
veinte centilitros200ml20cl
doscientos cincuenta mililitros
veinticinco centilitros
un cuarto de litro250ml25cl¼ltrescientos mililitros
treinta centilitros300ml30cl
trescientos treinta mililitros
treinta y tres centilitros330ml33cl
cuatrocientos mililitros
cuarenta centilitros400ml40cl
quinientos mililitros
cincuenta centilitros
medio litro500ml50cl½lseiscientos mililitros
sesenta centilitros600ml60cl
setecientos mililitros
setenta centilitros700ml70cl
setecientos cincuenta mililitros
setenta y cinco centilitros
tres cuartos de litro750ml75cl¾lochocientos mililitros
ochenta centilitros800ml80cl
novecientos mililitros
noventa centilitros900ml90cl
mil mililitros
cien centilitros
un litro1,000ml100cl1l
expressed in millilitres
(ml) and especially under
100 millilitres (cien mililitros)
more common in perfumes and such like
Approximate relationships to
some commonly used UK & US units of volume are shown below:
© Copyright 2015 by Jose M González. All Rights Reserved.
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