Monday 12 May 2014


Today's WOTD is: "caso" = case

In Spanish, “caso” is a masculine noun of Latin origin, the main meaning of which is case, as in:
  • Jamás había oído un caso semejante (I had never heard of a case like it);

Sometimes, the Spanish noun “caso” means fact, as in:
  • El caso es que tengo que volver a casa (the fact is that I have to return home);

A related word is “acaso” which means maybe/ perhaps.

Some expressions in Spanish with the words “caso”/ “acaso” are:
  • Caso perdido (lost cause);
    • Pedro es un caso perdido, siempre ha sido un maleducado (Pedro is a lost cause, he has never had any manners);
  • Caso de (in the event of);
  • Caso que (in the event of);
  • En caso de que (in the event of);
    • En caso de que perdamos el último vuelo, regresaremos en tren (if we miss the last flight, we will return by train);
  • En todo caso (in any event/ whatever happens);
    • En todo caso, regresamos mañana (in any event, we will return tomorrow);
  • Hacer caso a alguien (to listen to someone and bear in mind what he/ she says);
    • Hazme caso y no vayas a Barcelona (listen to me and don't go to Barcelona);
  • Hacer caso omiso (to disregard someone or something);
    • Pedro hizo caso omiso de mis consejos y se fue a Barcelona (Pedro ignored my advice and travelled to Barcelona);
  • Ni caso (not a blind bit of notice);
    • A lo que yo digo, ni caso (not one blind bit of notice is taken of what I say);
  • Por si acaso (in case/ just in case);
    • Llevaremos paraguas por si acaso (we will take an umbrella just in case);
  • Venir al caso algo (to be relevant/ proper to mention);
    • Viene al caso que cuando el accidente ocurrió era de noche (it is proper to mention that it was night time when the accident occurred);
    • No viene al caso que cuando el accidente ocurrió era de noche (it is not relevant that it was night time when the accident occurred); loves the word "caso" in the YouTube clip: ManoloLezcano - Por si acaso

For more on the word "caso", visit: Caso*

*NB 'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “caso” in the link to hear the word pronounced.

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