Friday 1 April 2016


Today's word is: Etiqueta

Clase: sustantivo (noun)
Género: femenino (feminine)
Origen: francés (French)

Related words

la etiqueta
the etiquette
the label/ tag
el etiquetado
the labelling
to label

In Spanish, “etiqueta” is a feminine noun of French origin which means etiquette. A typical example of the use of the word “etiqueta” in this context is:

  • Normas de etiqueta (etiquette rules)

The Spanish noun “etiqueta” also means label or tag. A typical example of the use of the word “etiqueta” in this context is:
  • Antes de lavar la prenda leer la etiqueta (before washing the garment read the label)

The action word/ verb “etiquetar” is a related word meaning to label or to classify. A typical example of the use of the word “etiquetar” in this context is:
  • El fabricante debería etiquetar mejor ese producto (the manufacturer ought to label that product better)

Also a related word is “etiquetado”, which could be:
  • A noun meaning labelling. A typical example of the use of the word “etiquetado” as a noun is:
    • Se fomenta el etiquetado correcto de los alimentos (proper labelling of food products is encouraged)
  • A describing word/ adjective meaning labelled. A typical example of the use of the word “etiquetado” as a describing word/ adjective is:
    • Es preferible adquirir productos etiquetados correctamente (it is better to buy products properly labelled)
    • Esa fruta está mal etiquetada (that fruit is labelled incorrectly/ badly)

Spanish expressions with the word “etiqueta” are:
  • De etiqueta (good manners/ etiquette)
    • Marcharse sin despedirse no es de etiqueta (it is not good manners/ etiquette to leave without saying goodbye)
  • De etiqueta (formal event/ formal dress code)
    • Pedro va de etiqueta (Pedro is formally dressed)
    • Un evento de etiqueta (a formal event)
  • Estar de etiqueta* (a more distant relationship)
    • Pedro y Antonio están de etiqueta (Pedro and Antonio's relationship has become a lot more distant)
  • Ir de etiqueta (to wear formal clothes/ evening wear/ formal wear)
  • Media etiqueta (less formal dress code)
  • Ropa de etiqueta (formal clothes/ evening wear/ formal wear)
  • Traje de etiqueta (formal attire/ suit)
  • Vestido de etiqueta (formal attire)


* The expression refers to the relationship between two people who were originally quite close, but whose relationship has cooled down significantly. loves the word "etiqueta" in the YouTube clip: Amor de etiqueta la caro band

For more on the word "etiqueta", visit: Etiqueta

*NB 'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “etiqueta”in the link to hear the word pronounced.

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