Today's word is: Pavo
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Género: masculino (masculine)
Origen: latín (Latin)
Spanish, “pavo”
is a masculine noun of Latin origin, which means a male turkey.
The noun “pava”
is used to refer to a female turkey.
Spain, the noun “pavo”
was a commonly used slang term to refer to a a five
Spanish, the words “pavo”/
may be used as describing words, meaning dummy/
Some commonly used expressions with the words “pavo”are:
- Comer pavo (to be a wallflower- colloquially);
- Edad del pavo (teenage/ an awkward age);
- No es moco de pavo (something which is of more substance than might appear/ is not as easy as it would appear/ there is more to it than meets the eye);
- Pavo real (peacock);
- Pelar la pava (to bill and coo);
- Subírsele a alguien el pavo (to blush);
- Ufano como un pavo real (proud as a peacock);
- Ufano cual pavo real (proud as a peacock);
examples of the use of the word "pavo"
- En aquel baile a Rosita le tocó comer pavo (at that dance, Rosita was a wallflower);
- Ese muchacho está en la edad del pavo (that boy is at that awkward age/ is a teenager);
- Correr un maratón no es moco de pavo (there is more to running a marathon than meets the eye/ is no mean feat);
- El pavo real tiene un plumaje muy colorido (the peacock has very colourful plumage);
- Esos están pelando la pava (those guys are billing and cooing);
- Se te sube el pavo (you are blushing);
- Le ha salido todo bien y está ufano cual pavo real (it has all gone very well for him so he is as proud as a peacock);
Practice listening to and using the word "pavo" with the YouTube clip: El Pavo y la Pava - Canciones Infantiles
'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “pavo”in the link to hear the word pronounced.
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