Today's WOTD is: 'uña' = nail
In Spanish, the noun 'uña' is a feminine noun of Latin origin, the main meaning of which is nail. The noun 'uña' is often used in Spanish in its plural form 'uñas'.
The Spanish noun 'uña' may also mean:
The Spanish noun 'uña' may also mean:
- A claw of a cat/ a bear/ etc.).
- A hoof of a horse/a sheep/ etc.)
- The sting of a scorpion
Some commonly used expressions containing the word 'uña' are:
- A uña de caballo (at top speed).
- Afilarse las uñas (to sharpen one's claws).
- Arreglarse la uñas (to do one's nails/ to have one's nails done).
- Defender con uñas y dientes (to defend tooth and nail).
- Dejarse la uñas en algo (to work really hard at something).
- Enseñar las uñas (to bare one's teeth).
- Esmalte de uñas (nail varnish).
- Hacerse las uñas (to do one's nails/ to have one's nails done).
- Laca de uñas (nail polish).
- Mostrar las uñas (to bare one's teeth).
- Ponerse de uñas con alguien (to get very angry with someone).
- Sacar las uñas (to bare one's teeth).
- Ser largo de uñas (to be light fingered).
- Ser uña y carne (to be inseparable/ joined at the hip/ 'thick as thieves').
- Tener las uñas largas (to be light fingered).
- Uña de la mano (fingernail).
- Uña del pie (toenail)
Examples of the use of the word 'uña' are:
- Partieron a uña de caballo (they set off at full speed).
- El gato se afila las uñas (the cat is sharpening its claws).
- ¿Vas a arreglarte las uñas? (are you going to have your nails done?).
- ¿Vas a hacerte las uñas? (are you going to have your nails done?) .
- Se defendieron del ataque con uñas y dientes (they fought their attackers tooth and nail).
- Me dejé la uñas en ese proyecto (I really worked hard in that project).
- Cuando menos me lo esperaba, me enseñó las uñas (when I was least expecting it, he bared his teeth).
- Cuando menos me lo esperaba, me mostró las uñas (when I was least expecting it, he bared his teeth).
- Cuando menos me lo esperaba, me sacó las uñas (when I was least expecting it, he bared his teeth).
- Ese esmalte de uñas es muy bonito (that nail varnish is very nice).
- Esa laca de uñas es muy bonita (that nail polish is very nice).
- Cuando Pedro escuchó lo que le pedían se puso de uñas con ellos (when Pedro heard what they were asking for, he got very angry with them).
- Ese tipo es largo de uñas (that guy is light fingered).
- Ese tipo tiene las uñas largas (that guy is light fingered).
- Esos dos son uña y carne (those two are inseparable/ 'thick as thieves').
- Voy a cortarme las uñas de las manos (I am going to cut my fingernails).
- Voy a cortarme las uñas de los pies (I am going to cut my toenails).
'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “uña”
in the link to hear the word pronounced.
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