The word of the day is: 'donde'= where.
In Spanish, 'donde' is used to indicate the place/ point in space of some action or activity... it is also used to ask about the place/ point in space of some action or activity. A related adverb is 'adonde': where (to).
In Spanish, when 'donde' or 'adonde' are used to mean an indeterminate place (when they mean something like 'wherever') and are followed by a verb, the subjunctive should be used. When used in questions, we should place an accent over the 'o', i.e.: 'dónde' or 'adónde' (see examples below).
Examples of usage are:
- Aquí es donde quiero verte (it is here that I want to see you)
- Vengas de dónde vengas (wherever you are coming from)
- Duerme donde quieras (you can sleep anywhere/ wherever you want)
- Quédate donde sea (you may stay anywhere)
- ¿Adónde vamos? (where are we going?)
- ¿Desde dónde quieres ver el desfile? (where do you want to watch the parade from?)
- ¿Por dónde has entrado? (how did you get in) loves the word 'donde' in the song 'Donde estés' sung by Chenoa:
More on 'donde', visit:
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