word is: Luz
Clase: sustantivo
Género: femenino
Origen: latín
Spanish, “luz”*
is a feminine noun of Latin origin which means light.
A typical example of the use of the word “luz”
- Hágase la luz (let there be light)
- Apaga la luz (turn the light off)
The noun “luz”
is often used to refer to electrical power or electricity.
A typical example of the use of the word “luz”
- Nos hemos quedado sin luz (we have lost electrical power/ electricity)
action word/ verb “lucir”
is a related word meaning to shine,
to exhibit
or to wear.
A typical example of the use of the word “lucir”
- Ana lucía pendientes de oro (Ana was wearing gold ear rings)
expressions with the word “luz”
- Año luz (light year)
- Estamos a años luz de nuestra meta (we are light years away from our goal/ target)
- A media luz (in dim light/ lights dimmed)
- Cenamos a media luz y con música suave de fondo (we had dinner with lights dimmed and a soft background music)
- A plena luz del día (in broad daylight)
- Entran a robar en una casa a plena luz del día
- A primera luz (at first light/ dawn/ daybreak)
- Saldremos a primera luz (we'll leave at first light)
- A todas luces (clearly/ obviously/ evidently)
- Lo que dices es a todas luces incorrecto (what you are saying is clearly/ undisputedly wrong)
- Bajo la luz de la luna (in the moonlight)
- Caminamos bajo la luz de la luna (we walked by moonlight)
- Bajo la luz de las estrellas (by starlight)
- Caminamos bajo la luz de las estrellas (we walked by starlight)
- Baño de luz (highlights -hair treatment)
- Bichito de luz (glow worm/ firefly/ lightning bug)
- Bicho de luz (glow worm/ firefly/ lightning bug)
- Cono de luz (light cone)
- Con luz y taquígrafos (openly/ with total transparency/ not hiding anything)
- Gobernar con luz y taquígrafos (to govern with total transparency)
- Con luces y taquígrafos (openly/ with total transparency/ not hiding anything)
- Gobernar con luces y taquígrafos (to govern with total transparency)
- Crespa de luz (light beam)
- Dar a luz (to give birth)
- Ana dio a luz ayer (Ana gave birth yesterday)
- Dar luces (to flash the lights)
- El vehículo que nos seguía comenzó a darnos luces (the vehicle behind me started flashing his lights at us)
- Dar luz (to give/ to emit light/ to let light through)
- Esa bombilla apenas da luz (that bulb hardly gives any light)
- Esa ventana da mucha luz (that window lets in lots of light)
- Dar luz verde (to give the go ahead)
- Por fin han dado luz verde a ese proyecto (at last they have given the go ahead to that project)
- Entre dos luces (at dawn/ at dusk)
- Estar entre dos luces (to be a bit drunk -colloquially)
- Fuente de luz (light source)
- Fuente primaria de luz (primary light source)
- Fuente secundaria de luz (secondary light source)
- Gusano de luz (glow worm/ firefly/ lightning bug)
- Haz de luz (light beam/ beam of light)
- Irse la luz (to have a power outage/ the lights go out)
- Ayer se nos fue la luz (yesterday we had a power outage/ the lights went out)
- Luz blanca (white light)
- Luz corta (dipped beam -vehicle)
- Luz de Bengala (Bengal light/ flare)
- Luz de carretera (full beam -vehicle)
- Luz de cruce (dipped beam -vehicle)
- Luz de freno (brake lights -vehicle)
- Luz directa (direct light)
- Luz dura (hard light)
- Luz larga (full beam -vehicle)
- Luz mala (fatuous fire/ Will o' the Wisp)
- Luz natural (natural light/ sunlight)
- Luz negra (black light/ ultraviolet light -UVA)
- Luz primaria (light from a primary light source)
- Luz refleja (light from a secondary light source)
- Luz secundaria (light from a secondary light source)
- Luz solar (sunlight)
- Luz suave (soft light)
- Luz ultravioleta (ultraviolet light)
- Luz verde (green light)
- Luces cortas (dipped beam -vehicle)
- Luces de avería (hazard warning lights -vehicle)
- Luces de emergencia (hazard warning lights -vehicle)
- Luces de carretera (full beam -vehicle)
- Luces de cruce (dipped beam -vehicle)
- Luces de freno (brake lights -vehicle)
- Luces largas (full beam -vehicle)
- Mesa de luz (bedside table)
- Poste de luz (lamp post)
- Rayo de luz (ray of light)
- Sacar a luz (to give birth/ to publish/ to make public a work)
- Ese autor sacó a luz su primera obra hace ya casi 20 años (that author published his first work more that 20 years ago)
- Sacar a la luz (to give birth/ to publish/ to make public a work)
- Ese autor sacó a la luz su primera obra hace ya casi 20 años (that author published his first work more that 20 years ago)
- Traje de luces (suit/ costume worn by matadors & bullfighting teams/ crew)
- Tubo de luz (light tube)
- Tubo de luz fría (fluorescent light tube -Cuba)
- Velocidad de la luz (speed of light)
- Ver la luz (to see the light/ to be born/ to be published)
- La primera obra de ese autor vio la luz hace ya casi 20 años (that author's first work was published more that 20 years ago)
plural of “luz”
→ “luces”.
See more on the plural of nouns ending in -z
loves the word "luz"
in the YouTube clip: Julio Iglesias - A Media Luz
'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “luz”in the link to hear the word pronounced.
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by Jose M González. All Rights Reserved.
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