Monday 18 August 2014

Don't You Feel Sad About Leaving?


This post showcases/ highlights a typical use of the verb dar*.


Imagine you are talking to a relative, a friend or a work colleague about your impending departure.

At some point, the other person says: "don't you feel sad about leaving?"

In Spanish, the other person could choose to be less formal and say:
¿No te da pena irte?

In Spanish, the other person could choose to be more formal and say:
¿A usted no le da pena irse?


Answering this question should be straightforward. A yes/ no answer may be sufficient. However, you may use the expression dar pena to make your answer more informative.

Here are some examples of how you could use that expression:
  • Sí, me da pena irme (yes, I feel sad about leaving);
  • Sí, me da mucha pena irme (yes, I feel really sad about leaving);
  • Sí, me da un poco de pena irme (yes, I feel a little bit sad about leaving);
  • No, no me da pena irme (no, don't I feel sad about leaving);

Now you should practise answering the question:
¿No te da pena irte?

*See uses of verb dar below

*Verb Dar - Typical Uses/ Expressions

Dar alcance a To catch up with someone/ something
Dar apuro To cause embarrassment/ to make one feel embarrassed
Dar asco To cause nausea/ to make one feel nauseated
Dar calabazas To reject/ to give the brush off
Dar caña To hurry/ to harry/ to speed up
Dar celos To cause jealousy/ to make one feel jealous
Dar clase de To teach a subject
Dar corte To cause embarrassment/ to make one feel embarrassed
Dar cosa To cause fear/ unease/ discomfort
Dar de alta To discharge/ To give the all clear (medical)
Dar de baja To give leave (medical)
Dar de sí To be elastic/ stretchable
Dar envidia To cause envy/ make one feel envy
Dar ganas de To feel like doing something
Dar lástima To be in a sorry state/ to move someone to feel pity
Dar miedo To cause fear/ to make one feel frightened
Dar pena To cause pity/ sadness
Dar rabia To anger/ to make one mad
Dar vergüenza To cause embarrassment/ to make one feel embarrassed
Darse cita To meet/ to come together
Darse prisa To hurry up
No dar abasto To be overloaded/ To be unable to cope

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