Imagine you are talking about the weather with a relative, a friend or a colleague. Perhaps it is raining. The
other person wants to say that he/ she does not mind when it rains
and ask you if you don't mind the rain either. He/ she could
choose to be a little bit formal and ask you:
A mi no me importa que llueva ¿y a ti?
Alternatively, he/ she could choose to be a little bit less formal and say:
A mi no me importa que llueva ¿y a usted?
You DO NOT need be concerned about the degree of formality in the question you are asked. Whether the other person uses the more/ less formal question is irrelevant to your choice of answer. Your answer depends only on whether you want to say that you:
- Don't mind if it rains (you agree with him/ her)
- Do mind if it rains (you disagree with him/ her)
Here are a couple of examples which deal with those two basic possibilities:
- A mi tampoco me importa que llueva (don't mind either)
- A mi sí que me importa que llueva (do mind)
Now you should practice answering the question:
A mi no me importa que llueva ¿y a ti?
Please note that expressions such as: "I don't mind if...", when translated as "A mi no me importa que..." are a classic example of subjunctive. Some examples of this generic type of expression are:
- A mi no me importa que <subjuntive>...
- A ti no te importa que <subjuntive>...
- A él no le importa que <subjuntive>...
- A ella no le importa que <subjunctive>
- A nosotros no nos importa que <subjuntive>...
- A vosotros no os importa que <subjuntive>...
- A ellos no les importa que <subjuntive>...
- A ellas no les importa que <sujunctive>...
- "A mi no me importa que..."
- "A ti no te importa que..."
- Etc.