Thursday 5 December 2013


Today's WOTD is: "comida" = food

In Spanish, “comida” is a feminine noun of Latin origin commonly used to refer to food/ fare or groceries.

The Spanish noun “comida” is very often used also to refer to lunch (or a meal in general).

A related word is the Spanish action word/ verb “comer” which means to eat.

Also related is the noun “comedor”.

Some expressions with the word “comida” are:
  • Banco de comida (food bank);
  • Casa de comidas (eating place*);
  • Comida autóctona (local/ indigenous food/ fare);
  • Comida basura (junk food);
  • Comida chatarra (junk food);
  • Comida de pescado (no meat/ fasting day meal/ lunch**);
  • Comida para llevar (take away);
  • Comida pesada (heavy food/ meal);
  • Comida picante (hot/ spicy food)
  • Comida precocinada (pre-cooked/ convenience food);
  • Comida preparada (ready-cooked/ convenience food);
  • Comida rápida (fast food);
  • Comida recalentada (reheated food/ leftovers);
  • Comida sana (healthy food);
  • Comida típica (typical/ local fare);
  • Hacer daño a alguien la comida (food upsetting/ unsettling someone's stomach);
  • Hacer la comida (to prepare/ cook lunch);
  • Hora de la comida (meal time/ lunch time);
  • Para la comida (for lunch);
  • Preparar la comida (to prepare/ to cook/ to make lunch/ food/ meal);
  • Reposar la comida (to have a rest after lunch/ a meal);
  • Sobras de la comida (leftovers);

*NB Often basic/ cheap
**NB Expression has its origin in the Catholic religion tradition of fasting/ abstaining from eating meat on Fridays and eating fish instead.

Some examples of the use of the word "comida" are:
  • Esta comida está muy rica (this food is very nice/ tasty);
  • Vamos a comprar comida para toda la semana (we are going to buy food/ groceries for the whole week);
  • Estamos invitados a una comida el domingo (we have been invited to lunch on Sunday);
  • La comida duró tres horas (the meal lasted three hours);
  • El banco de comida distribuye alimentos de forma gratuita (the food bank distributes free food);
  • En la esquina hay una casa de comidas (there is an eating place on the corner);
  • Anoche cenamos en un restaurante de comida autóctona (last night we dined in a restaurant specialising in local/ indigenous food)
  • La comida basura no suele muy saludable (junk food is often quite unhealthy);
  • La comida chatarra no suele muy saludable (junk food is often quite unhealthy);
  • Hoy tenemos comida de pescado (today we are having a meal without meat/ fasting meal);
  • Las fritangas suelen ser comidas pesadas (fry ups are often heavy foods/ meals);
  • Te gusta la comida picante, ¿verdad? (you like hot/ spicy food, don't you?);
  • Con comida preparada es fácil salir de un apuro, ¿verdad? (with pre-cooked/ convenience food it is easy to get out of a tight spot, isn't it?);
  • La comida rápida no suele muy saludable (fast food is often quite unhealthy);
  • Hoy tenemos comida recalentada (today we are having re-heated food/ leftovers);
  • El médico me recomienda la comida sana (the doctor advises I should eat healthy food);
  • Quieres probar la comida típica de esta región, ¿verdad? (you want to try the typical fare of the region, don't you?);
  • Anoche me hizo daño la comida (last night's food upset my stomach/ unsettled my stomach/ gave me a sore stomach);
  • ¿Quién hace la comida hoy? (who is preparing/ cooking lunch today?);
  • Es la hora de la comida, ¿verdad? (it is lunch time, isn't it?);
  • Hoy voy a tomar sopa para la comida (I am going to have soup for lunch today);
  • ¿Quién prepara la comida hoy? (who is preparing/ cooking lunch today?);
  • Reposemos la comida (let us have a rest after lunch);
  • Vosotros aprovecháis las sobras de la comida, ¿verdad? (you don't throw food leftovers away, do you?); loves the word "comida" in the YouTube clip: Comida - Vocabulario - Inglés en

For more on the word "comida", visit: Comida*

*NB 'Click' on the speaker icon next to the word “comida” in the link to hear the word pronounced.

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