Tuesday 1 November 2011

Tell Me When You Want Your Things

Imagine you are talking to a relative, a friend or a colleague. That person has some items of property which belong to you. Perhaps you had asked him/ her to keep them in a secure place on your behalf. He/ she wants to know when you want them back and decides to say to you: "tell me when you want your things back". 

He/ she could choose to be less formal and say to you:
Dime cuando quieres tus cosas

Alternatively, he/ she could choose to be a little bit more formal and say:
Dígame cuando quiere sus cosas


You DO NOT need be concerned about the degree of formality in what your relative/ friend/ colleague says to you. Whether the other person uses a more/ less formal register is irrelevant to your choice of reply.

Your answer depends only on what you want to say about when you want your things back. There are a variety of ways to reply. Maybe you want to ask him/ her to give you them back:
  • Now if it suits him/ her
  • Whenever it suits him/ her

Here are a couple of examples which deal with those basic possibilities:
  • Dámelas ahora si te va bien  (give them to me now, if it suits you)
  • Dámelas cuando te vaya bien (give them to me whenever it suits you)*

Now you should practice answering the question:
Dime cuando quieres tus cosas

*Please see grammar below

Please note that when using "cuando" or "siempre que" to refer to some unspecified time in the future, as in: "whenever I can"/ "whenever you wish"/ "whenever is possible"/ or similar expressions, the subjunctive mood should be used.

Some examples of this use of the subjunctive are:
  • Cuando pueda descanso (I'll rest whenever I can)
  • Cuando quieras, nos vamos (we'll go whenever you want)
  • Cuando venga Marta, vamos a hablar (we'll talk whenever Marta comes)
  • Cuando lleguemos te llamo (we'll call you whenever we arrive)
  • Cuando terminéis llámame (call me whenever you finish)
  • Cuando Marta y Alfonso quieran salimos (we'll leave whenever Marta and Alfonso want it)
Now you should practise this use of the subjunctive with some more sentences of your own

This is another Free online Spanish lesson from Love-Spanish.com. We conduct lessons online on this and many other topics using the latest video conferencing facilities. Online lessons are the ideal way to improve listening and speaking skills. For more details on our lessons online and how to book them, please visit:

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1 comment:

Margaret M said...

Cuando nos veamos puedes devolverme las cosas.