Wednesday 20 July 2011


La palabra de hoy es: 'sardina' = sardine.

The Spanish noun, 'sardina' is a feminine noun of Latin origin. In Spanish, 'sardina' is the name given to sardines, both as fish species and food.

The Spanish noun 'arenque' means herring, a fish species related to the sardine.

There are some common Spanish expressions with the noun 'sardine' in them, for example:
  • Como sardinas (crammed... like sardines)
  • Como sardinas en lata (crammed... like sardines)
  • Arrimar el ascua a su sardina (to look after 'number one')
  • El entierro de la sardina (festival which ends carnivals)

Examples of the use of the noun 'sardina' are:
  • La sardina es un pescado muy bueno para la salud (sardines are very healthy fish)
  • Hasta Barcelona fuimos como sardinas (we went right up to Barcelona crammed like sardines)
  • En el ascensor íbamos como sardinas en lata (in the lift/ elevator, we were crammed like sardines)
  • A ti te gusta arrimar el ascua a tu sardina (you like to look after 'number one') loves the word 'sardina' in the YouTube clip showing how to prepareSardinas, tomates y cebollas asados a las finas hierbas
More on the word 'sardina', visit: Sardina

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo sé que la sardina es muy buena para la salud pero no me gusta, tendré que buscar otro tipo de pescado.